I Challenged Myself to Read the Trashiest Novels on Amazon, and My Friends Helped Me Do It

I've been in a reading slump for some time now. I mean, considering when we first entered into a time of social distancing I was reading a book a day, I think it's fair to say I got a little tired of reading. To spice things up, I decided to let my friends pick out... Continue Reading →

Alone but Not Lonely: How to Thrive in Your Alone Time

Between school, work, and life, I have come to realize that I spend very little time by myself. Worse, my alone time is often spent working or worrying or mindlessly scrolling through social media, making even my alone time a place where others subconsciously impede. I've written before about being intentional in your time with... Continue Reading →

Bff Picks My NF Round One: Dewey

This post is long overdue, as I actually finished Dewey back in January. Better late than never, though, right? 😬 Anywho, Dewey is about a library cat that changes the town of Spencer, Iowa for the better. Dewey was found abandoned in the book return slot of the Spencer Public Library, but from then on,... Continue Reading →

Stephen King Challenge Book One: Carrie

Date Started: 11/14/19 Date Finished: 11/26/19 Bought From: Books-A-Million (Used) The first book of my Stephen King challenge is officially complete, and I'm so excited to share my thoughts with ya'll! I have previously read Carrie, so I went into this knowing what to expect. However, going back to my Goodreads review of this from... Continue Reading →

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